3 over 5 in its simplest form * * * * * True, but that is not a decimal! As a decimal fraction, it is 0.6
No, 3.5 is not the same as 3 over 5. 3.5 is a decimal number that represents three and a half, while 3 over 5 is a fraction that represents three fifths. In decimal form, 3 over 5 is equal to 0.6.
The number 5.9 is already in decimal form. We know that 5.9 is 5 plus 9/10. The 9/10 is 0.9, so 5 + 9/10 is 5.9 as already written in decimal form.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 5/32 is equal to 0.15625.
The decimal form of 5/9 is 0.5 repeating.
1 over 2 or in decimal form: .5
5 over 25 as a decimal form is 0.2.
27 over 5 becomes 5.4 in decimal form.
t That reduces to 1 1/10 which equals 1.1 in decimal form.
it is already in decimal formin fraction form it is 14 over 10 or 7 over 514/107/5
It is: 5 and 9/10 = 59/10 as an improper fraction or 5.9 as a decimal
5 and 1/5 is 5.2 in decimal form.
6 is 30 divided by 5, so we can simplify 6 over 30 into 1 over 5. Now what is 1 / 5? Let's start by dividing 10 by 5. 10 / 5 = 2. Because 10 is 10 times the value of 1, we divide 2 by 10. We get 0.2 from this question. Therefore, 6 over 30 in decimal form is 0.2
27 over 100
The decimal form of 5 over 8 is 0.625.
2/5 as a decimal is 0.4
1/5 is a fraction and in decimal form it is 0.2