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Q: What is 5 to the 27th power x 2 to the 31st power?
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What day does daylight savings time end in 2013?

Here are all of the Daylight Saving Time/ Summer Time beginning and ending dates for 2013: Albania . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Andorra . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Australia . . . Apr. 7th: UTC+11 --> UTC+10 . . . . . . . . . . .UTC+10.5 --> UTC+9.5 . . . Oct. 6th: UTC+10 --> UTC+11 except Queensland . . . . . . . . . . .UTC+9.5 --> UTC+10.5 except Northern Territory Austria . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Azerbaijan . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+4 --> UTC+5 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+5 --> UTC+4 Azores (Por.) . . . Mar. 31st: UTC-1 --> UTC . . . Oct. 27th: UTC --> UTC-1 Bahamas . . . Mar. 10th: UTC-5 --> UTC-4 . . . Nov. 3rd: UTC-4 --> UTC-5 Belgium . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Bermuda . . . Mar. 10th: UTC-4 --> UTC-3 . . . Nov. 3rd: UTC-3 --> UTC-4 Bosnia & Herzegovina . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Brazil . . . Feb. 17th: UTC-3 --> UTC-4 in Matto Grosso & Matto Grosso do Sul . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-2 --> UTC-3 all except Fernando de Noronha . . . Oct. 20th: UTC-4 --> UTC-3 in Matto Grosso & Matto Grosso do Sul . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-3 --> UTC-2 in Tocantins, Espirito Santo, Distrito Federal, Goias, Minas Gerais, Parana, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina & São Paulo Bulgaria . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 Canada . . . Mar. 10th: UTC-3.5 --> UTC-2.5 . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-4 --> UTC-3 except eastern end of Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-5 --> UTC-4 except Southampton Island & parts of Ontario . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-6 --> UTC-5 except Saskatchewan . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-7 --> UTC-6 except parts of British Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-8 --> UTC-7 . . . Nov. 3rd: UTC-2.5 --> UTC-3.5 . . . . . . . . . . . UTC-3 --> UTC-4 . . . . . . . . . . . UTC-4 --> UTC-5 except eastern end of Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . UTC-5 --> UTC-6 except Southampton Island & parts of Ontario . . . . . . . . . . . UTC-6 --> UTC-7 except Saskatchewan . . . . . . . . . . . UTC-7 --> UTC-8 except parts of British Columbia Canary Islands (Sp) . . . Mar. 31st: UTC --> UTC+1 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+1 --> UTC Chatham Island (NZ) . . . Apr. 7th: UTC+13.75 --> UTC+12.75 . . . Sep. 29th: UTC-12.75 --> UTC+13.75 Chile . . . Mar. 10th: UTC-3 --> UTC-4 . . . Oct. 13th: UTC-4 --> UTC-3 Croatia . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Cuba . . . Mar. 10th: UTC-5 --> UTC-4 . . . Nov. 3rd: UTC-4 --> UTC-5 Cyprus . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 Czech Republic . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Denmark . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Easter Island (Chile) . . . Mar. 10th: UTC-5 --> UTC-6 . . . Oct. 13th: UTC-6 --> UTC-5 Estonia . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 Fiji: . . . Jan. 20th: UTC+13 --> UTC+12 . . . Oct. 20th: UTC+12 --> UTC+13 Finland . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 France . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Germany . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Gibraltar (UK) . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Greece . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 Greenland (Den.) . . . Mar. 31st: UTC --> UTC+1 . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-1 --> UTC . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-3 --> UTC-2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+1 --> UTC . . . . . . . . . . . UTC --> UTC-1 . . . . . . . . . . . UTC-2 --> UTC-3 . . . (The Thule area follows the same schedule as Bermuda.) Hungary . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Iran . . . Mar. 22nd: UTC+3.5 --> UTC+4.5 . . . Sep. 22nd: UTC+4.5 --> UTC+3.5 Ireland . . . Mar. 31st: UTC --> UTC+1 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+1 --> UTC Israel . . . Mar. 29th: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 6th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 Italy . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Jordan . . . Oct. 25th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 Kosovo . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Latvia . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 Lebanon . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 Libya . . . Mar. 29th: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 25th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Liechtenstein . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Lithuania . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 Lord Howe Island (Aus.) . . . Apr. 7th: UTC+11 --> UTC+10.5 . . . Oct. 6th: UTC+10.5 --> UTC+11 Luxembourg . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Macedonia . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Madeira Islands (Por.) . . . Mar. 31st: UTC --> UTC+1 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+1 --> UTC Malta . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Mexico . . . Apr. 7th: UTC-6 --> UTC-5 . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-7 --> UTC-6 except Sonora . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-8 --> UTC-7 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC-5 --> UTC-6 . . . . . . . . . . . UTC-6 --> UTC-7 . . . . . . . . . . . UTC-7 --> UTC-8 except Sonora . . . (Note: Acuna, Anahuac, Ciudad Juarez, Metamoros, Mexicali, Nuevo Laredo, Ojinaga, Piedras Negras, Reynosa y Tijuana follow the U.S. schedule.) Moldova . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 Monaco . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Montenegro . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Morocco . . . Apr. 28th: UTC --> UTC+1 . . . Jul. 9th: UTC+1 --> UTC . . . Aug. 8th: UTC --> UTC+1 . . . Sep. 29th: UTC+1 --> UTC Namibia . . . Apr. 7th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 . . . Sep. 1st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 Netherlands . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 New Zealand . . . Apr. 7th: UTC+13 --> UTC+12 . . . Sep. 29th: UTC+12 --> UTC+13 Norway . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Paraguay . . . Apr. 14th: UTC-3 --> UTC-4 . . . Oct. 6th: UTC-4 --> UTC-3 Poland . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Portugal . . . Mar. 31st: UTC --> UTC+1 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+1 --> UTC Romania . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 Saint-Pierre & Miquelon Islands (Fr) . . . Mar. 10th: UTC-3 --> UTC-2 . . . Nov. 3rd: UTC-2 --> UTC-3 Samoa . . . Apr. 7th: UTC+14 --> UTC+13 . . . Sep. 29th: UTC+13 --> UTC+14 San Marino . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Serbia . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Slovakia . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Slovenia . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Spain . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Sweden . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Switzerland . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1 Syria . . . Mar. 29th: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 25th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 Turkey . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 Turks & Caicos Islands . . . Mar. 10th: UTC-5 --> UTC-4 . . . Nov. 3rd: UTC-4 --> UTC-5 Ukraine . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+2 --> UTC+3 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+3 --> UTC+2 United Kingdom . . . Mar. 31st: UTC --> UTC+1 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+1 --> UTC United States . . . Mar. 10th: UTC-5 --> UTC-4 . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-6 --> UTC-5 . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-7 --> UTC-6 except most of Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-8 --> UTC-7 except Metlakatla AK . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-9 --> UTC-8 . . . . . . . . . . . .UTC-10 --> UTC-9 Aleutian Islands only . . . Nov. 3rd: UTC-4 --> UTC-5 except Puerto Rico & the Virgin Islands . . . . . . . . . . . UTC-5 --> UTC-6 . . . . . . . . . . . UTC-6 --> UTC-7 . . . . . . . . . . . UTC-7 --> UTC-8 except Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . UTC-8 --> UTC-9 except Metlakatla AK . . . . . . . . . . . UTC-9 --> UTC-10 Uruguay . . . Mar. 10th: UTC-2 --> UTC-3 . . . Oct. 6th: UTC-3 --> UTC-2 Vatican City . . . Mar. 31st: UTC+1 --> UTC+2 . . . Oct. 27th: UTC+2 --> UTC+1

What is 5 to the power of four times 5 to the power of minus 2?

5 to the power of 2

What is 5 by the power of 2 divide 5 by the power of 4 equal?

5 to the power of -2

What is the difference between 2 to the power of 5 and 5 to the power of 2?

It is: 2^5 minus 5^2 = 7

5 to the power of 2 plus 15 to the power of 2?

5 to the power of 2 plus 15 to the power of 2 = 250

What is-2 to the power of -5?


What is 2 to the power of 5 divided by 2 to the power of 2?

(2^5) / (2^2) = 2^(5-2) = 2^3 = 8

How do you compare 2 to the 5th power and 5 to the 2nd power?

2^5 = 32 and 5^2 = 25

What is 5 to the power of 3 times 5 to the power of 2 but written as a power of 5?

5 to the power of three times 5 to the power of 2 is equal to 5 to the power of 5. We know this because A^a times A^b equals A^(a+b). We know this by solving the problem manually. 5 to the power of 3 is equal to 5*5*5 and 5 to the power of 2 is equal to 5*5. when you multiply them, it becomes 5*5*5*5*5 which is equal to 5 to the power of 5.

What is 5 to the 2 power cubed?

5 to the power of 2 is 25 (5x5) 5 to the power of 2 cubed is (5x5) ^3 which would be 25x25x25 = 15625

What is 5 to the power of 9 times 5 to the power of 2 divided by 5 to the power of 3 but written as a power of 5?

5 to the power of 8.

What is 5 to the power of 4 times 5 to the power of 2 written as to the power of 5?

To simplify the expression (5^4)(5^2) as a single power of 5, we can apply the rule of exponents that states when multiplying numbers with the same base, you add the exponents. In this case, 5^4 * 5^2 can be simplified to 5^(4+2) = 5^6. So, (5^4)(5^2) written as a single power of 5 is 5 to the power of 6.