63.4721 to nearest whole number is 63
No, it means rounding to the nearest whole number.The nearest whole number is the nearest one .The nearest whole number to 1.9 is 2 .So the nearest whole number to 1,624,381.9 is 1,624,382 .
The nearest whole number to 200 is 200 itself. In mathematics, when determining the nearest whole number, you look at the whole number that is closest to the given number. Since 200 is already a whole number, it is the nearest whole number to itself.
Oh, dude, 33 percent to the nearest whole number is like 33.3 percent. But if you want it as a whole number, then it's 33 percent. So, like, if you're rounding it to the nearest whole number, it's still 33. Hope that helps!
63.4721 to nearest whole number is 63
It is 63 rounded to the nearest whole number
62.8 could be rounded up to 63 (a whole number).
It is: 63
To round 63.18 to the nearest whole number, we look at the hundredths place, which is 8. Since 8 is 5 or greater, we round up the tenths place. Therefore, 63.18 rounded to the nearest whole number is 64.
63.85 rounded to the nearest integer is 63.
x=27 y=63
the answer is 72 because 63 is rounded down (looking at the units)
62.83 rounded to the nearest whole unit = 63