Well, isn't that a happy little math problem! To find out what number we're looking for, we can set up a simple equation. If 75% of a number is 45, we can divide 45 by 0.75 to find the whole number. So, 45 divided by 0.75 equals 60. That's the number we're looking for!
To find 27 out of 45 as a percentage, you would divide 27 by 45 and then multiply by 100. So, 27 divided by 45 equals 0.6. Multiplying 0.6 by 100 gives you 60%. Therefore, 27 out of 45 is equivalent to 60% as a percentage.
45 minutes(0.75(75 tenths)is 75% of an hour or 3quarters 60 minutes divided by 4 multiplied by 3 = 45)
45% of 60 is 27
this is simple division as both numbers can be divided by 10 to simplify this math problem. 2700 divided by 60 is the same as 270 divided by 6. Long division or short division and then you get 45.
33+71+13+45+60=322322 divided by 5 =64r2
Well, isn't that a happy little math problem! To find out what number we're looking for, we can set up a simple equation. If 75% of a number is 45, we can divide 45 by 0.75 to find the whole number. So, 45 divided by 0.75 equals 60. That's the number we're looking for!
To find 27 out of 45 as a percentage, you would divide 27 by 45 and then multiply by 100. So, 27 divided by 45 equals 0.6. Multiplying 0.6 by 100 gives you 60%. Therefore, 27 out of 45 is equivalent to 60% as a percentage.
45/60 divided by 5 is 9/12 divide by 3 is 3/4.
60% of $45= 60% * 45= 0.6 * 45= $27
45% of 60= 45% * 60= 0.45 * 60= 27
45 minutes(0.75(75 tenths)is 75% of an hour or 3quarters 60 minutes divided by 4 multiplied by 3 = 45)
60% of 45= 60% * 45= 0.6 * 45= 27