thousand: 6,172,000 ten thousand:6,170,000
rounding off 6172438 to the nearest:thousand= 6172000ten thousand= 6170000
The answer is 6,170,000
thousand: 6,172,000 ten thousand:6,170,000
rounding off 6172438 to the nearest:thousand= 6172000ten thousand= 6170000
First, we have to know to what place 6,172,438 is being rounded. If it is rounded to the nearest hundred, it would be 6,172,440. If it is rounded to the nearest thousand, it would be 6,173,000. And so forth.
The answer depends on the extent of rounding. For example, to the nearest whole number, it is 6172438 while to the nearest billion, it is 0.
When rounding 6172438 to the nearest thousand, you look at the hundreds place, which is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, you round down, making the number 6172000. When rounding to the nearest ten thousand, you look at the ten thousands place, which is 6. Since 6 is greater than 5, you round up, making the number 6180000.
63795 rounded to the nearest thousand is 64,000
Nearest thousand, round down because 438 is less than 500. Answer - 6,172,000Nearest ten thousand, round down because 2,438 is less than 5,000. Answer - 6,170,000
It is 18,000 rounded to nearest thousand