You can divide 32 by 2,16,4,8. Those are the 4 ways you can divide 32. :)!
325 °F is equal to about 162.78 °C The conversion formula is Celsius temperature = 5/9 x (Fahrenheit temperature - 32) Start by taking the number in Fahrenheit and subtracting 32. Then multiply by 5 and divide by 9.
Divide the number 32 by successive prime numbers to get the factors until you cant divide any more numbers... 32/1=32 (factors are 1 and 32) 32/2=16 (factors are 2 and 16) 32/3=does not divide to be a whole number 32/4=8 (factors are 4 and 8) 32/5=does not divide to be a whole number 32/6=does not divide to be a whole number 32/7=does not divide to be a whole number Now you done with all the numbers you can. Therefore 1,32,2,16,4 and 8 are factors.
divide 32/100=.32
You divide 10 by 32.
(2^5) = 32 SO, 5 flipflops are required to produce a divide by 32 device
32 divided by 258.24 is 0.123915737298637