63/147 = 3/7
63/180 = 21/60. This can be further reduced by dividing both numerator and denominator by 3, resulting in 7/20. Since 7 is a prime number, this is the lowest possible reduction for this fraction.
63/100 is the simplest form for your fraction.
63 over 100 is already in lowest terms.
The fraction 61/63 cannot be reduced any more.
63 over 108 in lowest terms is 7/12
63 over 104 is already a fraction in its lowest terms.
63/200 cannot be reduced to any lower terms because the numerator and denominator have no common factors greater than 1.
63/100 is in its simplest form.
It is: 63/35 = 9/5
5625 / 2835 = 125/63 in lowest terms.
Well, you know that 0.63 must equal........... 63/100 That can not be reduced, so it is the lowest term.