3 can't divide into anything and leave a remainder of 28. If you divide 43 into 157, the answer is 3, with a remainder of 28.
To write 43 remainder 2 as a decimal, divide 43 by the divisor. In this case, if we divide 43 by 10, the quotient is 4 with a remainder of 3. So, 43 remainder 2 as a decimal would be written as 43.2.
457 divided by 16 is 28 with remainder 9.
It is: 457/21 = 21 with a remainder of 16
the number is 43:43:7=6 remainder 143:9=4 remainder 743:11=3 remainder 10Also possible: 241, 439, 637, 835, 1033, 1231, 1429, 1627, 1825, 2023, 2221, 2419, 2617, 2815, 3013, 3211, 3013, 3211, 3409, 3607... where number is 198xN+43 and N is positive integer number
The factors of 645 are: 1, 3, 5, 15, 43, 129, 215, 645.
The divisors of 645 are: 1, 3, 5, 15, 43, 129, 215, 645.