Oh honey, 64 written as a power is 2 to the 6th power. That's right, 2 multiplied by itself 6 times. So, if you're feeling fancy, you can strut around saying 64 equals 2 to the 6th power like the math boss you are.
In exponential form, 64 can be expressed in at least four ways. These are 64 raised to the first power, 2 raised to the sixth power, 4 raised to the fourth power, and 8 raised to the second power.
6 to the fourth power means that to multiply 6 by itself four times i.e. 6 x 6 x 6 x 6. This is how 6 to the fourth power is written: 64. The answer to 64 is 1,296.
64^3 is equivalent to 262,144 or 64*64*64
64 to the power of 1/6 is two.
Two to the sixth power = 64
Four to the third power is 64.
4 to the third power is written as 4^3 = 4 X 4 X 4 = 64
64 8 to the power of 2 is the same as 8x8 The answer is 64.
There are no power flowers in Super Mario 64. However, I do not if they exist in Super Mario 64 DS.
64 = 26