As a number it is: 500,000 = half a million
To write 2,600,000 dollars in figures, you would write: $2,600,000. In words, you would write: Two million six hundred thousand dollars.
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 6,500,000.
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 2,075,006.
Six and a half thousand is 6,500.
The number six and a half thousand is written as 6,500.
5,500 five thousand five hundred
6,500 six thousand five hundred
2,500,000 two million, five hundred thousand
As a number it is: 500,000 = half a million
Well, darling, 6 and a half million in figures is 6,500,000. There you have it, sweetie. Hope that clears things up for you.
In figures it would be 1,500,000 which is 1.5 million or one million, five hundred thousand.
It is 1,06,50,000