Well, isn't that just a happy little math problem! When you divide 6 by 2142, you get a very small number, approximately 0.0028. Remember, it's okay if the numbers seem big or small - every little calculation helps us learn and grow in our understanding of math. Just keep on painting those happy little numbers, my friend!
6 divided by 2142 is equal to approximately 0.00280112. Division is the mathematical operation of splitting a number into equal parts. In this case, 6 is being split into 2142 parts. The result is a very small decimal because 6 divided by a large number like 2142 yields a small quotient.
multiply 6hrs x 50mph = 300 miles per day. 2142 miles divided by 300 miles = 7.14 days.
The factors of 2142 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14, 17, 18, 21, 34, 42, 51, 63, 102, 119, 126, 153, 238, 306, 357, 714, 1071, and 2142. The prime factors of 2142 are 2, 3, 3, 7, and 17.
8675 7573 3784 2142 5874 7573
The Answer:You are implying the Algebraic Statement: 5x = 2142Divide 2142 by 5:x = 2142/5Thus, the answer is 2142/5, equivalent to its decimal form, 428.4.
The LCM is 2142.
The GCF is 2.
The GCF of 2142 and 56 is 14
Boat 2142 - 2014 was released on: USA: 2014