6000 meters per 6km (1000m per kilometer).
Each kilometer is 1000 meters, so 6 kilometers is 6000 meters. Unless you mean 660 miles, in which case 6km is much much less than 660 miles.
50 miles per hour.
First convert the different amounts into the same measuring system. In this case I choose the meter. 600cm = 6m 6km = 6000m 6000mm = .0006m 60m = 60m The biggest option is 6KM.
Most people walk at a pace of 3 to 3.5 miles per hour (4.82km/hr to 5.63km/hr). 4 miles per hour is considered a brisk walk (6.43km/hr).
3.73 miles per hour or 6km/h
at 60kmph you cover 60 km so at 10% of the speed you cover 6km. 10% of 60km is 6km and 10% of 60kmph is 6km. 6km= 1 hour at 6kmph or 10% of an hour at 60kmph or in time terms 6mins. the answer is 6mins.
3.73 miles per 6km
6 kilometers is 3.73 miles.
6 km = 3.73 miles (approx).
There the same 6000m-6km 6km-6000m
The deepest ROV has been down to depths of around 6Km or 3.75 miles.
9.6 meters per second is approximately 21.4 miles per hour.
6000 meters per 6km (1000m per kilometer).
There are 1093.61 yards in 1 km. So there are about 6561.60 yards in 6km.
Each kilometer is 1000 meters, so 6 kilometers is 6000 meters. Unless you mean 660 miles, in which case 6km is much much less than 660 miles.