None. A fraction is a simple division. 2/4 is 2 divided by four. No one digit number can divide into twelve equally. Therefore, you cannot write a one-digit number to equal twelve.
Any four digit number where the last digit is 5 or 0 can divided through by 5. Examples: 5455 6855 1495 1295 2365 3485 9275 1000 5230 6330 4850 9630 7410 8520 7890 4560 2320
This depends on what you mean by smallest. The smallest four-digit whole number is 1,000; the smallest four-digit real number is .0001 (1/10,000); the smallest four-digit integer is -9,999.
If you were doing it as a long division (in standard layout) then above the 6 - just after the decimal point.
No prime number can be divided by 4 exactly.
A 2 digit number divided by a four digit number, such as 2345, will leave the whole 2-digit number as a remainder. It cannot leave a remainder of 1.
A fraction is a division expression. 3/4 = three divided by four
The number 72, when divided by 9, the correct answer is 8. This is not a four digit numeric. To express 72 as a four digit numeric, write 0072. 0072 / 9 = 8.
0.1666666 recurring
Undefined. Division by zero is forbidden in mathematics.
3 Twelve divided by four is three. Think of times tables. Four multiplied by three is twelve so do it backwards to find the division.