It is 71/1.It is 71/1.It is 71/1.It is 71/1.
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 0.071 is equal to 71/1000 or seventy-one thousandths.
0.71 = 71/100
71/100 You can make it smaller, but it won't get you whole numbers so this is the best way in my opinion.
9 and 71/100
It is: 71/500 in its simplest form
It is 71/1.It is 71/1.It is 71/1.It is 71/1.
71/102 is the most reduced this fraction can be.
As a mixed number 7.71 is 7 71/100. It is in simplest form. As an improper fraction 7.71 is 771/100. It is in simplest form.
It is: 3.55 = 71/20 in its simplest form
71/100 0.71 As A Fraction Is 71/100. 0.71 -> 0.70 Or 7/10.
It is: 17.75 = 71/4 as an improper fraction in its simplest form