To divide 7500 by two thirds, you need to convert the fraction to a decimal. Two thirds is equivalent to 0.6667 when rounded to four decimal places. Dividing 7500 by 0.6667 gives you approximately 11250. Therefore, 7500 divided by two thirds is approximately 11250.
To work this out first divide 22500 by 3 to get one third, then double your answer to get two thirds.2250 divided by 3 equals 7500, 7500 multiplied by 2 equals 15000.15000 is the answer.
2/3 of 7,500 is 5,000.
2 divided by two thirds is 3.
-1 divided by two-thirds = -3/2 or -11/2
To work this out first divide 22500 by 3 to get one third, then double your answer to get two thirds.2250 divided by 3 equals 7500, 7500 multiplied by 2 equals 15000.15000 is the answer.
2/3 of 7,500 is 5,000.
2 divided by two thirds is 3.
I get two thirds. its 0.6666666666666666666666666666667 OR two thirds!
-1 divided by two-thirds = -3/2 or -11/2
9 and 2 thirds divided by two = 45/6
213 and two ninths divided by twelve and two thirds = 165/6
1 and two ninths divided by 1 and two thirds = 11/15
Six and two thirds divided by seven eighths = 713/21