79 is prime 79/100
79% = 79⁄100
It's really simple to convert 0.79 to a fraction. Just write it as a percent.79%And since 79% is the same as 79/100 the answer is 79/100.
79 is an integer and it makes little sense to turn it into a fraction. But, if you must, it is 79/1.
79% = 79/100
79% = 0.79 = 79/100
79% = 0.79 = 79/100
79 is prime 79/100
7.9 percent as a fraction = 79/1000 7.9% = 7.9/100 * 10/10 = 79/1000 in fraction
79%: = 0.79 in decimal = 79/100 in fraction 10.3% = 0.103 in decimal = 103/1000 in fraction 10.7% = 0.107 in decimal = 107/1000 in fraction
79% = 79⁄100
79%= 0.79
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 79 percent is equal to 0.79.
79 percent in its simplest form as a fraction is still 79/100 If you have other assignments then let me know via WhatsApp +254759057477
79/100 is the simplest form.