The fraction 5/7 as a decimal is a recurring decimal, represented as 0.714285... The bar notation is used to indicate the repeating pattern, which in this case is 714285. Therefore, the decimal form of 5/7 is 0.714285 with the digits 714285 repeating indefinitely.
7/5 = 1.4
5/7 = 0.714285714285..... [the 714285 is repeated]
.714825 repeating
5/7 turned to a decimal = 0.71435/7:= 5 ÷ 7= 0.7143 in decimal
decimal equivalent of 7 over 5 = 1.47/5:= 7 ÷ 5= 1.4 in decimal
It is: 5 and 7/8 = 5.875 as a decimal
5 out of 7 = 5/7 = 5 divided by 7 = 0.714286
Expressed as a decimal, 7 3/5 is equal to 7.6.
The fraction 5/7 written as a decimal is 0.714285.
The decimal of 5 and 7 over 50 is expressed as 5.14
Expressed as a decimal, 5 7/20 is equal to 5.35.
As a decimal number 7 and 5/8 is written 7.6257.625
7/5 = 1.4
If you mean 5 and 7/8 then it is 5.875 as a decimal
5 over 7