70/100 is .7 as a decimal.
For example, lets say we have the fraction 70 over 10. The decimal form for that would be 7 tenths (.7) but the ratio could either be 70 percent, .7, and 7 to 3.
7/10 to a decimal and a percent = 0.7 ; 70% 7/10 = 7 ÷ 10 = 0.7 in decimal 7/10 * 100% = 70%
The number 6. 7/32 can be written in decimal as 6.21875.
4/7 = 57.'142857'% recurring decimal
Written as a decimal 7/10 would be .70
.7 you take and move the decimal over 70 because you move the decimal over two times. 70 goes over a hundred and that is equal to 7 over 10 which is equal to .7 or you can write it as 70%. I hope this answer your question!!
70% = 0.70 or 7/10
7/10 = 0.7 = 70%
70/100 is .7 as a decimal.
For example, lets say we have the fraction 70 over 10. The decimal form for that would be 7 tenths (.7) but the ratio could either be 70 percent, .7, and 7 to 3.
The fraction 14 over 20 reduces to 7 over 10 which is seven tenths. seven tenths expressed as a decimal is 0.7 which equals 70%.
The fraction 5/7 written as a decimal is 0.714285.
70% is.
7/10 to a decimal and a percent = 0.7 ; 70% 7/10 = 7 ÷ 10 = 0.7 in decimal 7/10 * 100% = 70%
The number 6. 7/32 can be written in decimal as 6.21875.