7divided by21 = 0.3333333333333333
7divided by 245 = 0.02857142857142857
because 7divided by 9 is less than 1 whole because a whole is bigger than 7/9ths
7divided 65 = 0.1076923076923077
7divided by 22 = 0.3181818181818182
7divided by21 = 0.3333333333333333
7divided by 245 = 0.02857142857142857
7divided by 862715 = 8.113919428780073e-06
7divided by 2321 = 0.003015941404566997
It would depend on where you put the parentheses. 7/9 - 9 is a rational number 7/(9-9) is not even a number at all - surely not a rational number.
0.0116... For short.
What added to 7divided by10 gives 1 and 3divided by 10?
because 7divided by 9 is less than 1 whole because a whole is bigger than 7/9ths