A mixed numberThis is called a mixed number or mixed fraction.
There is no equivalent mixed number.
if you are asking "what is 3 and 1/2 as a mixed number", the answer is that it already is in mixed number format.
The mixed number of 10.47 = 1047/100
There is no 803-862 prefix. The 803 area code is in central South Carolina, including Columbia.
8 is whole number but using our digits place we can see that (0) is in the tenths place and (3) is in the hundredths place then 3/100 is what it means. we can mix a whole number with a fraction called a mixed number 8 and 3/100 but this is not a fraction to convert a mixed fraction into a fraction we must multiply the bottom(denominator) x whole number and add top(numerator) write all this above the denominator..... 8x100+3=803/100 so your answer is 803/100
Chew Rope
The phone number of the Governor'S Mansion is: 803-737-3000.
803 - 20 = 783
The phone number for the Richland County Public Library in Columbia is (803) 799-9084.
You can't all you get is a voicemail type thing on 803-329-6332 and no anwer on 803-909-4161.