positive or negative 91.7877987534291
diagrm of sdk
divided by
I say divided by (the divisor or denominator).
Days of Our Lives - 1965 1-8425 was released on: USA: 1998
The Young and the Restless - 1973 1-8425 was released on: USA: 5 July 2006
positive or negative 91.7877987534291
8088 processor accessed 1MB
0.8425 = 8425/10000 reducing to 337/400
The Intel 8088.
The 8086/8088 family of microprocessors was introduced by Intel.
1978 - 8086 1979 - 8088 First IBM PC used 8088. I think later low end IBM PC's used 8086.
The 8088 is slower than the 8086 because the 8088 is running an 8-bit bus, while the 8086 runs a 16-bit bus. The two processors are the same, 16-bit processors, but the 8088 requires twice as many memory accesses to do the same amount of work as the 8086.