8000 in decimal form is simply 8000. Decimal form is a way of writing numbers that includes a decimal point followed by digits that represent a value less than one. Since 8000 is a whole number, it does not have any digits after the decimal point, so it remains as 8000 in decimal form.
Ah, let's paint a happy little picture together. 8000 in decimal form is simply 8000. You see, each digit holds a special place value, and when they come together, they create a beautiful number that can bring joy and wonder to our world. Just like how each brushstroke adds to the beauty of a painting, each digit in a number has its own unique contribution.
There are 8000 ones in 8000. ------------------------ The ones column is the column before the decimal point - in this case the decimal point is hiding at the end of the number and the ones column is the last digit. The ones column contains a 0 therefore there are no ones in 8000 8000 is eight thousands plus no hundreds plus no tens plus no ones.
That is the decimal form.
7685 to the nearest thousand is 8000. thousand is the fourth digit left of a decimal. if the 3 digits before this (635) are smaller than 500 then the answer would be 7000.
800 tens. ------------------------ The tens column is two columns before the decimal point - in this case the decimal point is hiding at the end of the number and the tend column is the second digit from the right hand end. The tens column contains a 0 therefore there are no tens in 8000 8000 is eight thousands plus no hundreds plus no tens plus no ones.
It is simply: 8000 = 8000.0
80 = 80/1 = 800/10 = 8000/100 = 8000%80 = 80.080 = 80/1
12% of 8000 = 8000*12/100 = 960
It is: 0.025
It is: 8000/35000 times 100 = 22.86% rounded to two decimal places
Well, darling, 75% of 8000 is 6000. So, if you had 8000 bucks burning a hole in your pocket, 75% of that would be 6000 smackaroos. Spend it wisely, honey!
There are 8000 ones in 8000. ------------------------ The ones column is the column before the decimal point - in this case the decimal point is hiding at the end of the number and the ones column is the last digit. The ones column contains a 0 therefore there are no ones in 8000 8000 is eight thousands plus no hundreds plus no tens plus no ones.
Exactly as in the question. A decimal is a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. Adding zeros after the decimal point is wrong because they imply a degree of accuracy (significant figures) for which there is no justification.
What is 8000 divided by 2?=4000 What is 8000 divided by 3?=2666.6666666666666666... What is 8000 divided by 5?=1600 What is 8000 divided by 6?=1333.3333333333333333... What is 8000 divided by 9?=888.88888888888888888... What is 8000 divided by 10?=800 Answer: some of them are divisible, others create a recurring decimal.
That is the decimal form.