80 percent!
To convert a decimal into a fraction, place .4875 over 1 in fraction for (.4875/1). Then add as many zeroes to the right of the lower number as there are numbers to the right of the decimal and remove the decimal (4875/10000). Then reduce the fraction to its lowest term (39/80).
To convert a percentage to a fraction, you first remove the percent sign and divide by 100. So, 16.25% becomes 16.25/100. To simplify this fraction, you can divide both the numerator and the denominator by 0.25 to get 65/400. This fraction can be further simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5 to get the final fraction of 13/80.
80% is the equililant of 80/100 which if we then divide by 10, will equal 8/10 which reduces to 4/5 if you divide it by a factor of 2.
80% as a fraction in lowest terms is 4/5
80% = 4/5
The fraction that is the lowest form of 35 over 80 is 7/16
80% = 0.80 = 4/5 in its lowest terms
32/80 = 2/5
The lowest fraction is 80/1.