Well, isn't that a happy little number! When we round 837 to the nearest hundred, we look at the digit in the tens place. Since it's 3, which is less than 5, we keep the hundreds place the same and change the tens and ones places to zeros. So, 837 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800. Happy rounding!
7675 rounded to the nearest 100 is 7700.
To round 97 to the nearest 100, you need to look at the digit in the tens place, which is 9 in this case. Since 9 is greater than or equal to 5, you will round up. Therefore, 97 rounded to the nearest 100 is 100.
96 round to the nearest ten=100
To the nearest ten, 840. To the nearest hundred, 800. To the nearest thousand, 1000.
To round 837 to the nearest tens place, we look at the digit in the ones place, which is 7. Since 7 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up. Therefore, 837 rounded to the nearest tens place is 840.
837 to the nearest hundreds place = 800
round 90 to the nearest ten
372 rounded to the nearest hundred is 400
4198 to the nearest 100 = 4200
7675 rounded to the nearest 100 is 7700.
The answer is zero.