11 times with a remainder of 6
Well, darling, 6 goes into 83 a total of 13 times. Simple division, nothing fancy. Just divide 83 by 6 and you'll get your answer. Math doesn't have to be a headache, honey.
500 divided by 6 equals 83 with a remainder of 2.
6*83 = 498
7 with remainder 6.
83 multiplied by 6 is 498.
11 times with a remainder of 6
Well, darling, 6 goes into 83 a total of 13 times. Simple division, nothing fancy. Just divide 83 by 6 and you'll get your answer. Math doesn't have to be a headache, honey.
500 divided by 6 equals 83 with a remainder of 2.
12.5 times 6 plus 8 is equal to 83.
6*83 = 498
6% of 83 = 6% * 83 = 0.06 * 83 = 4.98
7 with remainder 6.
83 with remainder 5.
11 times and you're left with 6.