1000 grams = 1 kkilogram so 3269 grams = 3269/1000 kg = 3.269 kg. Simple!1000 grams = 1 kkilogram so 3269 grams = 3269/1000 kg = 3.269 kg. Simple!1000 grams = 1 kkilogram so 3269 grams = 3269/1000 kg = 3.269 kg. Simple!1000 grams = 1 kkilogram so 3269 grams = 3269/1000 kg = 3.269 kg. Simple!
3,599 rounded to the thousands is 4,000
It is: 155,000 rounded to the thousands place
4682 rounded to the nearest thousands is 5000.
64,569 rounded to the thousands place is 65,000
99,995 rounded to nearest thousands is 100,000
6,570.30 rounded to the thousands place is 7,000
48,229,930 rounded to nearest thousands is 48,230,000
3,045,832 rounded to the thousands place is 3,046,000
370,000,000 is already rounded to the nearest ten thousands.