8 divide 6 = 1.3333333333333333
48 To find out how many 1/8 are in 6, you need to divide 6 by 1/8. To divide by a fraction, turn the divisor fraction upside down and multiply. So to divide 6 by 1/8, multiply 6 by 8/1: 6 x 8/1 = 6 x 8 = 48
Yes. If you divide 8 by 12 (8/12), the answer is .6666666667. If you divide 6 by 9, (6/9) the answer is also .6666666667.
To divide the total of 4, 6, and 8 by 3, you first add the numbers together to get the total sum, which is 18 (4 + 6 + 8 = 18). Then, you divide this sum by 3 to distribute it equally among the three numbers. Therefore, each number would receive 6 (18 รท 3 = 6).
48 To find out how many 1/8 are in 6, you need to divide 6 by 1/8. To divide by a fraction, turn the divisor fraction upside down and multiply. So to divide 6 by 1/8, multiply 6 by 8/1: 6 x 8/1 = 6 x 8 = 48
(-8 - 10) / 6 = -3
80% = .8 .8/6 = 8/60 = 0.13333333
I'll assume you're talking about simplifying fractions.Example: 6/8The GCF of 6 and 8 is 2, so divide 6 and 8 by 2.6/8 = 3/4
As for example 38/6 = 6 with a remainder of 2
all you need to do is find the biggest number that you can divide 6 and 8 into. in this situation you need to divide 6 and 8 by 2. which is 1 and 3 over 4.
6/8 = 3/4 8/6 = 4/3
53 divided by 6 equals 8 with a remainder of 5