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Q: What is 8 thousand 4 hundreds 11 tens and 6 ones shown?
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How many hundreds tens and ones are there in 5420?

In 5420, you have:5 x thousand; 4 x hundred; 2 x tens; zero x ones (the American ones in math is known as units in British maths!).

How do you write 20 tens 200 ones 56 hundreds?

20 tens = 200 200 ones = 200 56 hundreds = 5,600 Total = 6,000 or six thousand.

Which number is shown using 1 hundreds 2 tens & 18 ones?


You are a four digit number your ones is twice your tens your hundreds is five less than your ones your thousands place is the sum of your tens and hundreds what number are you?

There is no four digit number where the ones is twice the tens, the hundreds is five less than the ones, and the thousands is the sum of the tens and hundreds. int ones, tens, hundreds, thousands; for (thousands=1; thousands<10; thousands++) { /**/ for (hundreds=0; hundreds<10; hundreds++) { /**/ /**/ for (tens=0; tens<10; tens++) { /**/ /**/ /**/ for (ones=0; ones<10; ones++) { /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ if (ones != 2 * tens) break; /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ if (hundreds != ones - 5) break; /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ if (thousands != tens + hundreds) break; /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ printf ("dd\n", thousands, hundreds, tens, ones); /**/ /**/ /**/ } /**/ /**/ } /**/ } }

My tens digit is 4 less than my thousand digit. My ones digit is twice my tens digit.My ten thousand digit is one less than my ones digit. my hundreds digit is the sum of my tens and thousand digit.?

I am a four digit number. My tens digit is 2 more than my ones digit. My hundreds and thousands digit are both 1 less than my ones digit. What number can i be?

How many ones does it take to make a ten and how many tens to make a hundred and how many hundreds to make a thousand?

it takes ten ones to make a tenIt takes ten tens to make one hundredIt takes ten one hundreds to make a thousand.

How do you solve What number has 1 thousand 8 more hundreds than thousands 1 fewer ten than hundreds and 2 fewer ones than tens?

The number has 1 thousand. It has 8 more hundreds than thousands so it has 8 more hundreds than 1. That is, it has 9 hundreds. It has 1 fewer tens than hundreds so it has 1 fewer tens than 9. That is, it has 8 tens.It has 2 fewer ones than tens so it has 2 fewer ones than 8. That is, it has 6 ones. So the number is 1986.

How do write 1000 in expanded form?

1 thousand 0 hundreds 0 tens 0 ones or just 1 thousand(1000)

thousand 1 ten thousand 12 thousands 8 hundreds 14 tens 5 ones in standard form?

129407 Is the right answer

What is six hundreds million two hundred thousands one thousand nine tens four ones?


How do you write one hundred thousand 4 tens 3 ones 3 thousands and 7 hundreds?

It is 103,743

What number am I MY tens digit is 3 more then my thousand digit my ones digit is 2 times my hundreds digit my tens digit is 4 times my hundreds digit my tens digit is 1 more than 7?