8:30 plus 45 minutes equals 9:15. To add the two times together, you can convert 8:30 to 8:00 and add the 45 minutes to get 8:45. Then, adding another 30 minutes gives you a total of 9:15.
2025 minutes or 33.75 hours or 33 hours, 45 minutes
The term a quarter to 9 means 15 minutes before 9 o'clock, or 45 minutes after 8 o'clock; it would be written as 8:45.
1 hour and 15 minutes.
The question does not say decrease from what.
8:30 plus 45 minutes equals 9:15. To add the two times together, you can convert 8:30 to 8:00 and add the 45 minutes to get 8:45. Then, adding another 30 minutes gives you a total of 9:15.
The answer depends on the units used for 45.
7 hours 45 minutes.
45 minutes before 9am would be 8:15am. To calculate this, you subtract 45 minutes from 9am, which gives you 8:15am. This is because there are 60 minutes in an hour, so subtracting 45 minutes from 9am leaves you with 15 minutes before the hour.
8 hours 23 minutes - 2 hour 45 minutes = 5 hours 38 minutes.
It is: 45/120 times 100/1 = 37.5%
45 minutes is 3/4 of an hour....and would be 3/32 of 8 hours
2025 minutes or 33.75 hours or 33 hours, 45 minutes