To convert 9.04 to a mixed number, first separate the whole number part from the decimal part. The whole number is 9, and the decimal part is 0.04. To express the decimal part as a fraction, divide it by its place value, which is 0.04/100 = 4/100 = 1/25. Therefore, 9.04 as a mixed number is 9 1/25.
904/100 = 9 and 1/25
It is 904 7786842338604/10000000000000 in which the fractional part can be simplified, if required.
The phone number of the Mandarin Regional Branch is: 904-262-5201.
The phone number of the Jacksonville Fire Museum is: 904-630-0618.
904 = 90,400%
The phone number of the Westbrook Branch is: 904-384-7424.
The phone number of the Main Library is: 904-630-2665.
The phone number of the Willowbranch Branch is: 904-381-8490.