A liter is a unit of volume, not a unit of mass (or weight) like the pound. To convert between mass and weight, you need to know the density of a substance. The formula that relates volume and mass is:
mass = volume x density
You'll probably find density in units such as kilogram / liter (or the equivalent gram/cubic centimeter); if you use this in the formula, you'll get the mass in kilograms. You can then convert that to pounds.
500 millimeters equal 2 liters
90 pounds is 1,440 ounces.
To convert Liters into AVGAS POUNDS multiply by 1.58
About 374.8 pounds.
5 Liters is equal to about 11 pounds.
90 US cups = 21.2929413 liters
90 kilograms is equal to approximately 198 pounds.
40.82kg = 90 pounds.
90 kilograms is equal to approximately 198.42 pounds.
198.42 pounds
90 kilograms = 198.42 pounds.
90 pounds is equal to approximately 40.82 kilograms.
90 stone is 1,260 pounds (stone x 14 = pounds).
100 U.S. fluid ounces = 2.95735296 liters.
It is 117,292.381875 pounds.
90 L = 19.8 Imperial gallons.