I think your question is asking how you would round 17.521 to the nearest number with 1 significant figure...if that's the case, it would round to 10.
When expressing a number to one significant figure, you round the number to the nearest power of 10. In this case, 9862 to one significant figure would be 10,000. This is because the first digit from the left is 9, which is closer to 10 than 10000.
It has 1 significant figure.
4252 to 1 significant figure is 4000.
9753261 to 1 significant figure is 10,000,000
The number 46313 rounded to 1 significant figure is 50000. The significant digit is 5, so the number is rounded up to the nearest power of 10.
I think your question is asking how you would round 17.521 to the nearest number with 1 significant figure...if that's the case, it would round to 10.
When expressing a number to one significant figure, you round the number to the nearest power of 10. In this case, 9862 to one significant figure would be 10,000. This is because the first digit from the left is 9, which is closer to 10 than 10000.
When expressing a number to one significant figure, you round it to the nearest power of 10. In this case, 150.932 to 1 significant figure would be 200. Since 150.932 is closer to 200 than to 100, the rounded value is 200.
It is then 30,000 rounded to 1 significant figure
37.753 rounded to one significant figure becomes 40
Integers ending in a string of zeros are ambiguous. You cannot tell whether this number is accurate to the nearest hundred million (1 significant figure), to the nearest million (3 sf) or even the nearest unit (9 sf).
It has 1 significant figure.
4252 to 1 significant figure is 4000.
4916 to 1 significant figure is 5000
Rounded to 1 significant figure it is 0.4
9753261 to 1 significant figure is 10,000,000