Taxes differ widely wherever you go. Multiply 94.99 by 1 plus the decimal equivalent of the tax. Round off to two decimal places. If the tax is 7 percent, 94.99 x 1.07 = 101.64. If the tax is 5.625 percent, 94.99 x 1.05625 = 100.33
That depends on the rate of tax.
The total tax is $2.97 and the total price with tax is $35.92
It depends upon what the tax is.
The tax would be about $0.35, so the total would be $5.34.
Could be influenced just a little by what the rate of tax happens to be in your city, county, and state.For example:If tax is 10%, then the total cost is: $329.99If tax is 3%, then the total cost is: $308.99If tax is 1%, then the total cost is: $302.99
The total plus tax should be the total selling price!
The total tax is $2.57 and the total price with tax is $42.07
The total tax is $31.80 and the total price with tax is $373.72.
The total tax is $4.71 and the total price with tax is $69.71
The total tax is $3.43 and the total price with tax is $38.43
The total tax is $2.57 and the total price with tax is $42.07
The total tax is $4.20 and the total price with tax is $54.20
The total tax is $5.15 and the total price with tax is $67.59
The total tax is $3.43 and the total price with tax is $38.43
The total tax is $31.50 and the total price with tax is $481.45.
The total tax is $6.64 and the total price with tax is $82.53
The total tax is $2.25 and the total price with tax is $27.24