To decrease an amount 30 percent, multiply that amount by 0.7
To find 65 percent of 940, you first convert 65 percent to a decimal by dividing it by 100, which gives you 0.65. Then, you multiply 0.65 by 940 to get the answer. Therefore, 65 percent of 940 is 611.
Number - (0.30*Number) Example: A 30% decrease of 150 150 - (0.30*150) = 105
The numerical decrease is 120 - 84 = 36. The percentage decrease is thus 100 x (36/120) = 30%.
Percentage decrease from 70 to 30 is ((70 - 30)/70) x 100 = (40/70) x 100 = 4000/70 = 400/7 = 57.14%
940 = 100% X = 30% X = 30x100 ÷ 940 X = 282
Two methods:work out 49% of 940 and subtract it from 940; orsee that what will be left will be 100% - 49% = 51% of 940, so work out 51% of 940.That's how I decrease 940 by 49 percent. This is me actually doing it:"percent" means "out of 100", so 49% means 49/100, thus49% of 940 is 49/100 x 940 = 4603/5So decreasing 940 by 49% is 940 - 4603/5 = 4792/5 = 479.4Alternatively:decreasing by 49% is the same as working out 100% - 49% = 51%. so51% of 940 is 51/100 x 940 = 4792/5 = 479.4
30% decrease
To decrease an amount 30 percent, multiply that amount by 0.7
It is a 60% decrease
30% decrease
25% decrease.
It is a 80% decrease
To find 65 percent of 940, you first convert 65 percent to a decimal by dividing it by 100, which gives you 0.65. Then, you multiply 0.65 by 940 to get the answer. Therefore, 65 percent of 940 is 611.
No. From 30 to 45 is an increase of 50% . From 45 to 30 is a decrease of 331/3%.
30% decrease.
It is: (75-30)/75 times 100 = 60% decrease