To find all the numbers that 955 is divisible by, you first need to work out its prime factors. Because the number 955 ends in a 5, we can see that it divides by 5. Divide it by 5 and we get 191, which is a prime number. Thus, the only numbers that 955 can divide by are 1,5,191 and 955
10 percent as a decimal is .10, so 10 percent of 9550 is 9550 x .1.Moving the decimal over one to the left, the answer is 955.0 or 955.
0.995 as a fraction is 955/1000. In simplest form it is 191/200.
Your rate of return is equal to the amount of money you earn over the amount you initially paid for the bill. So, (1000-955)/955=45/955=4.712041885% so, the rate of return is approximately 4.71%
The only thing that is added to 1000 to give a sum of 45 is -955
When rounding 955 to the nearest hundred, we look at the digit in the tens place, which is 5. Since 5 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up the hundreds place digit by 1. Therefore, 955 rounded to the nearest hundred is 1000.
955 C means 100 M means 1000 L means 50 V means 5 so 100 less than 5 more than 50 more than 1000 1055-100 =955
95.5 = 955/100 = 191/20
95.5 is itself a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 955/10. You can simplify that ratio if you so wish.
over 950...about 955 medals =]
955 = 5 x 191