if it is, then 976 divided by 12 will have no remainder. Try it!
dont u know anything i bet this is your homework quistion all u do is 976 divided by 10 but its not always like that. ask a teacher for help dont u know anything i bet this is your homework quistion all u do is 976 divided by 10 but its not always like that. ask a teacher for help
There are 10 millimetres in one centimetre. Therefore, 976 millimetres is equal to 976/10 = 97.6 centimetres.
976 divided by 2.86 = 341.26 (two decimal places) Or 341 times with remainder 0.74
To the nearest 10 it is 980 To the nearest 100 it is 1000
32% of 976 = 976*32/100 = 312.32
John I Tzimiskes died on 976-01-10.
Helen I of Croatia died on 976-10-08.