It's 2 over 5, or 2/5.
9/40 is already simplified.
no 31 over 40 cannot be simplified. it can't be simplified because when you divide 40 by 31 you get 1.290322581. as you can see: not a whole number. to know if any fraction can be simplified when you divide them (denomiantor or bottom number first) the outcome must be a whole number.
It is -13/40
27/40 67.5/100 = 135/200 (multiply top and bottom by 2 to make whole numbers) = 27/40 (divide top and bottom by hcf(135, 200) = 5)
40/100 simplifies to 2/5
3 over 40 can not be simplified further.
It's 2 over 5, or 2/5.
40 / 6 is equal to 6.67, 20/3 or 6 67/100
It can be simplified to a mixed fraction of 1 and 3 over 40. 1 3/40
The simplified fraction of 300 over 40 is 15/2
151/40 cannot be simplified.
23/40 is already simplified to its lowest terms
9/40 is already simplified.
It is: 3/5 simplified
40/100 = 0.4