Yes - 1974/2 = 987
Yes, 1,974 divided by 2 = 987
3 digits numbers: from 100 to 999 The first number greater than 100 and divisible by 7 is 105 The last number lower than 999 and divisible by 7 is is 987 (987-105)/7=126 intervals of 7-length In fact 127 as numbers are to be counted, not intervals
No: -987-987=-1974 However, 987-987=0, -987+987=0
987 is rounded to 990
15% of $987.00= 15% * 987= 0.15 * 987= $148.05
987 + 157 is 1144.
267 + 987 = 1254
2098 + 987 = 3,085
9 * 987 = 8,883