Well, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of numbers. When we round 98984 to 1 significant figure, we get 90000. Remember, rounding helps us simplify numbers while keeping their essence intact. Just like painting, sometimes a small adjustment can make a big difference in how we see things.
When rounding to 1 significant figure, you look at the first non-zero digit from the left. In this case, the first non-zero digit is 9. The digit to the right of 9 is 8, which is equal to or greater than 5, so you round the 9 up to 10. Therefore, 98984 rounded to 1 significant figure is 10.
what is 0.0695712 to 1 significant figure
0.00584 rounded off to 1 significant figure is 0.006
54.26 rounded to 1 significant figure is 50
146 rounded to one significant figure becomes 100
6694 rounded to 1 significant figure is 7000
99.6 rounded to 1 significant figure is 100
6,256 rounded to 1 significant figure is 6,000
0.00584 rounded off to 1 significant figure is 0.006
30,569 rounded off to 1 significant figure is 30,000
2300 rounded to 1 significant figure is 2000.
Rounded to 1 significant figure it is 0.4
470 rounded to one significant figure is 500
541713 rounded to one significant figure is 500000.
It already is rounded to three significant figures.
26112 rounded to one significant figure results in 30000
54.26 rounded to 1 significant figure is 50