9 cubed is equal to 729. To calculate this, you simply multiply 9 by itself three times: 9 x 9 x 9 = 729. In mathematical terms, 9 cubed is written as 9^3.
n3 - 93 can be factorised into (n - 9)(n2 + 9n + 81)
3 cubed = 27 and 9 squared = 81 which is the biggest number
Well, honey, the cubed numbers between 2000 and 3000 are 8 cubed (512), 9 cubed (729), 10 cubed (1000), 11 cubed (1331), 12 cubed (1728), 13 cubed (2197), 14 cubed (2744), and 15 cubed (3375). So, there you have it, sweetie!
9 x 9 x 9 = 729
'9 Cubed' means 9 X 9 X 9 9 x 9 = 81 )9 squared) Then 81 x 9 = 729 (9 cubed)
9 cubed is equal to 729.
2 cubed is 4 6 cubed is 36 9 cubed is 81 & 8 cubed is 64
9 cubed is equal to 729.
n3 - 93 can be factorised into (n - 9)(n2 + 9n + 81)
Improved Answer:The cubed root of 4 over 9 is 0.7631428284
9 cubed = 729 = (7 x 100) + (2 x 10) + (9 x 1)
9 x 9 x 9 = 729 9 cubed gives the answer 729 so the answer is 9 (please note 8 cubed is 512 and 10 cubed is 1000)
3 cubed = 27 and 9 squared = 81 which is the biggest number