It is: 9/13 divided by 12/13 = 3/4 in its simplest form
9/12 = 3/4
9/20 divided by 6 = 9/120 or 3/40 in its simplest form
Simplest form is when both numerator and denominator have been reduced (divided) by any and all common number as far as possible. If you have 50/100, you can reduce it to the lowest possible form, which in this case is 1/2, because 50 divided by 50 is 1, and 100 divided by 50 is 2. Both are divisible by 50. 50 is the common number. So the simplest form of 50/100=1/2. The simplest form of 35/56 would be 5/8, because both 35 and 56 can be divided by seven. 35 divided by seven is 5, and 56 divided by seven is 8. Seven is the common number. So the simplest form of 35/56 is 5/8. 12/18 could be reduced by the common number 2 to 6/9. But that wouldn't be simplest form because 6/9 can still be reduced by 3. So the simplest form of 12/18 would be 2/3.
It is: 9/13 divided by 12/13 = 3/4 in its simplest form
9/12 = 3/4
3/4 9 divided by 3 is 3 12 divided by 2 is 4 You can't simplify any more so 3/4
9/12 in simplest form is 3/4
The simplest form of 9/24 is 3/8 because if both 9 and 24 are divided by 3 then the answer will be shown.
The awnser is 1/9 this is becuase 9 divided by 9= 1 and 81 divided by 9= 9
11¼. Division by a fraction is mathematically equivalent to multiplication by its reciprocal.9 divided by four fifths in simplest form is 45 over 4
9/20 divided by 6 = 9/120 or 3/40 in its simplest form