In order to quickly solve 9 divided by three fourths type 9 / (3/4) into your calculator. The answer will be 12.
However, If you wish to solve the problem without the use of a calculator.
Remember that when you divide a number by a fraction, in order to solve for the answer, all you must do is invert the fraction that is doing the dividing (this is called the reciprocal). Then you just multiply the two numbers together.
So, 9 / (3/4) turns into 9 x (4/3) which equals 36/3 which then gives you your answer of 12.
15.75/1.75 = 9
three fourths divided by 6 is 0.125 or 1/8.
Three fourths or 3/4
3/4 ÷ 5/6 = 9/10
15.75/1.75 = 9
In numbers this is (9/4)/(3/4) and is equal to 3.
three fourths divided by 6 is 0.125 or 1/8.
3/4 divided by 9/10 is 0.83333 . . .
Three fourths or 3/4
0.3 or three tenths