It is a 24 square foot touch screen.
It would be labeled a 60 inch screen. (TV and computer screens are measured corner to corner. )
Point and draw devices are touch screen devices like the iPad. The touch screen allows the user to select different software on the device with the touch of a finger.
its a plave where you find out information, on a touch screen.
What do you understand by the term Screen modes?
A pixel is a dot on a computer screen. The distance between pixels is not a fixed size - it can vary, even on the same screen (if you choose different resolutions). Measure the width of your screen, and check your screen's resolution.
it depends on where you let him touch you
You can infact change any LCD screen to a touch screen display. If you wish to use the touch screen as a display and input device you must install other software on your computer to recognise the touch screen input.
the rumor touch does have a touch screen.
Because the outside has put one touch screen panel, so then any LCD/LED can change as touch screen.
The touch screen may respond to touch by sensing the heat of your finger
phone that is touch screen that is not an i phone
yes its touch screen
No, i have the smt5800 and it does not have a touch screen.
The lower screen is a touch sensitive screen.
A touch screen is both input and output. The touch sensor is input, the display screen is output.
no.. you can't... but you can change the sensitivity of the touch screen
If you feel the touch insensitivity is better to calibrate your touch screen.
No, it has a soft touch screen!