

What is Am 2201?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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It is a synthetic cannabiniod.

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Q: What is Am 2201?
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The first day of the 23rd century will be January 1, 2201.

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Afi 36-2201

What's up with 2201?

OMG great question! No clue about that though.

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2201 N. Hwy 35, Alvin TX 77511

What does am-2201 show up on a drug screening?

AM-2201 will not accidentally be detected as something else in a drug screening - whilst it has structural similarities to the cannabinoids found in Marijuana, a routine drugs screen will not show the presence of am-2201. That is not to say that it is undetectable - if you were specifically looking to detect it then you could find it - it is just not one of the substances which is routinely screened for in a typical drugs test.

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