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The closure property is an attribute of a set with respect to a binary operation, not only a binary operation.

A set S is closed with respect to multiplication if, for any two elements, x and y, belonging to S, x*y also belongs to S.

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Q: What is Closure Property for multiplication?
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That property is called CLOSURE.

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Closure with respect to addition and multiplication. Cummutative, Associative properties of addition and of multiplication. Distributive property of multiplication over addition.

How you do Multiplication property?

The multiplication properties are: Commutative property. Associative property. Distributive property. Identity property. And the Zero property of Multiplication.

What are the properties of multipulcation?

They are the Associative Property of Multiplication, the Commutative Property of Multiplication, and the Zero Property of Multiplication.

Is closure property for division.?

No. Closure is the property of a set with respect to an operation. You cannot have closure without a defined set and you cannot have closure without a defined operation.

How do you get closure?

In mathematics, closure is a property of a set, S, with a binary operator, ~, defined on its elements.If x and y are any elements of S then closure of S, with respect to ~ implies that x ~ y is an element of S.The set of integers, for example, is closed with respect to multiplication but it is not closed with respect to division.

What is multiplication property of one?

It is called Identity Property of Multiplication

What is the meaning of identify property of multiplication?

it identify the multiplication in a whole set of the multiplication it express the property of it

What property of multiplication do you use to rename fractions?

Identity property of multiplication

Identity property multiplication?

meaning of identity property of multiplication

Properties of number theory?

zero property of multiplication commutative property of multiplication identity property of addition identity prpertyof multiplication your welcome:-)

Property of multiplication?

There are many properties of multiplication. There is the associative property, identity property and the commutative property. There is also the zero product property.