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The dimensions of speed are distance/time.

Any unit of linear distance and any unit of time may be used.

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Nathen Hegmann

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Q: What is Dimension of speed?
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What dimension is the speed of light?

The speed of light is a physical constant that does not have a dimension in the SI system of units. It is denoted by the symbol 'c' and has a fixed value of approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum.

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What is the dimension formula of velocity?

Since speed or velocity = distance/time ,its dimensional formula =L/T = [MoLT-1]

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What is exactly the fourth dimension in Space?

The Fourth dimension in Space is a real distance dimension r, completing the three vector displacement dimensions. Space is a quaternion with one real dimension and three vector dimensions, s= r + Ix + Jy + Kz, where I,J and K denote the vector dimensions. The real dimension r is related to time by r=ct where c is the speed of light. Einstein and Minkowski proposed in Relativity Theory a defective four dimension Space, where the fourth dimension is a vector Ict . This Space is essentially a two dimensional Space and does not exhibit the non-commuttive features of the quaternion Space.

Do Both speed and acceleration include the direction of an object's motion?

No. The velocity of an object is how fast it is moving as well as the direction of the motion. So when considering one dimension, the velocity can be positive or negative. The speed of the object is simply the magnitude (absolute value, in the case of one dimension) of the velocity, with no direction. Acceleration is the change in velocity and does include direction. So if an object has a positive velocity (in one dimension) and its speed increases, the acceleration is negative. However, if the speed of an object moving the negative direction increases, then the acceleration is negative, because the velocity becomes "more negative."

How old is Speed the Hedgehog?

He is my fan character.He is about 13 or 14.I remember saying he is 14.He should be 20 but in the Chaos Dimension,which is where Speed comes from,no one ages.So he is 14.Ace is 12,and Raptor is 20.Speed's girlfriend,Sarah the Hedgehog,is 13.

What transmission speed does swift use 10 9 or 13 speed?

Most of their trucks will have a 9C (convertible to 13 speed) or ten speed transmission. A limited number of their trucks will have 13 speeds, and these are typically used for pulling Rocky Mountain Doubles or the over-dimension Costco trailers.