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F in selenite F broth is faeces,because it is mostly used for the isolation of salmonelle shigella from faecal specimens.Selenite F broth inhibit the growth of coliforms for 8 to 12 hrs.So subculture shopuld be made from Selenite F broth within 6- 8 hrs

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Q: What is F in selenite F broth?
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What is the composition of selenite f broth?

Selenite-F Broth Approximate Formula* Per Liter Purified Water Pancreatic Digest of Casein ....................................................5.0 g Lactose ......................................................................................4.0 g Sodium Selenite ........................................................................4.0 g Sodium Phosphate ..................................................................10.0 g *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.

In Selenite broth why subculture from the top of the broth after incubation?

Subculturing from the top of the Selenite broth after incubation is done to isolate the target pathogen, such as Salmonella or Shigella. These bacteria are known to accumulate on the surface due to their characteristic growth patterns. By subculturing from the top layer, it increases the likelihood of obtaining a pure culture for further identification and testing.

What type of rock is selenite?

selenite is sedimentary. But selenite is really a mineral not a rock. It can be found in any rock type

What is the molecular formula for silver selenite?

The molecular formula for silver selenite is Ag2SeO3.Silver selenite is an inorganic compound which forms crystalline needles.

What is the density of selenite?

The density of selenite, a form of the mineral gypsum, is typically around 2.3 grams per cubic centimeter.

How does selenite gypsum feel?

They felt fine until the Selenite Police drove them away from their encampment.

What is selenite gypsum used for?

Selenite Gypsum is used along with alabaster to prepare dental stones.

What is selenite used for?

Selenite is commonly used for its calming and purification properties. It is believed to provide emotional healing, promote clarity of mind, and enhance spiritual awareness. Additionally, selenite is used for cleansing and charging other crystals.

What does sodium selenite do in feed?

Sodium selenite is an inorganic form of selenium. Selenium is needed in a dog's diet. At the time sodium selenite was approved for use in dog foods, it was not known that it poses a high risk for dogs. Unfortunately, its use has not been stopped, but there are dog foods that do not have sodium selenite added to them. In order to avoid feeding your dogs dog food that contains sodium selenite, read the ingredients on the package. Sodium selenite should not be listed, though if grains are listed the food may contain some levels of sodium selenite that is present in the grains, depending on what soil the gran was grown in.

How is selenite formed?

Selenite is formed through the evaporation of water with high concentrations of calcium and sulfate ions. Over time, these ions combine and crystallize to form selenite structures, typically in underground caves or as mineral deposits in sedimentary environments. Temperature, pressure, and the presence of other minerals can also influence the formation of selenite.

What is the formula for calcium selenite?

It is CaSe

What are the components of drywall?

Selenite gypsum