A handy way to calculate 15% of any number is
* divide the number by 10 ........ in this case ...... 130.00 * divide that result by 2 ............ in this case ....... 65.00 * Add the two together ............. in this case ...... 195.00
* 15% of £1,300.00 = £195.00
No. A million pounds is ten times bigger than a hundred thousand pounds.
Many countries use a dollar as their currency and many use a pound. The question needs to be more specific.
6 percent of a pound = £0.066% of £1= 6% * £1= 0.06 * £1= £0.06
0.3 pounds. A more precise answer depends on whether it is pound (currency) or pound (mass).
10 percent of 6 is .6.
The answer is in the question. There is exactly one hundred.
5% is the same as 0.05 and 0.05*100,000 = 5,000 pounds
No. A million pounds is ten times bigger than a hundred thousand pounds.
980,000 pound. (nine-hundred eighty-thousand)
150 pound
seven hundred thirteen thousand eight hundred and ninety pounds
twelve hundred pounds is equal to 1200 pounds (literally 12 hundreds) twelve thousand pounds is equal to 12000 (literally 12 thousands)
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