The expression: 500•12 is simply 6,000. I hope that helps! Once again, five hundred multiplied by twelve is six thousand.
Twelve thousand five hundred dollars = $12,500
Two hundred twelve thousand, five hundred.
Five hundred four thousand, three hundred twenty-seven and one million, five hundred ten thousand, five hundred twelve billionths.
Twelve point five
twelve thousand, five hundred forty-six
43 times.
Twelve thousand five hundred dollars = $12,500
Two hundred twelve thousand, five hundred.
four hundred five thousand, six hundred twelve.
It is spelled five-hundred twelve or five-hundred and twelve. The graduating class had 512 students.
Seven hundred forty-five and nine hundred twelve thousandths
Twelve Hundred Times was created on 2011-10-14.
Well, you might add 12000 + 1200 + 12, but that is not the normal way to name this number. Usually you say "twelve hundred" if there are no higher digits.
506,712 = five hundred six thousand, seven hundred twelve. 506.712 = five hundred six and seven hundred twelve thousandths.
twelve....hundred. 1200.
twelve....hundred. 1200.