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Some plants will keep on growing, continuing extending their stems, branches, and twigs almost unstoppable by keep on growing their terminal buds vegetatively. The reproductive buds will also develop from time to time, but will side-lined as axillaries buds while the axillary buds just before that will take over the growth to extend the stem or the branches. This type of growth is called indeterminate growth. Examples of such plants are coconut trees, dates, rattans (example of monocotyledon groups), mangoes, Pears, apples, mangosteens are some of the examples of the dicotyledonous plant groups. These type of plants that continuously produce fruits years after years, is grouped under perennial plants

There are also plants that appeared to be stop growing any further once the terminal buds change from vegetative to reproductive buds. The terminal bud will develop into flowers and will further form fruits at the tip of the stem. The entire plants will be dead soon after that, unless there are other stems develop from the base of the plant such as sucker (example banana, sago) or the lower axillary buds will take over the growth of the plant (e.g., marigold, roses). This system of growth is called terminate growth

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Q: What is Indeterminate and determinate growth?
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Determinate. Determinate hair grows to a specific length and then stops. Determinate hair is found in many places in the body, including the axilla (armpits), groin, eyelashes, and eyebrows. On the other hand, indeterminate hair continues to grow without regard to length. It is found on the scalp and in beard hair in men.

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Tomato plants are classified as determinate or indeterminate. Determinate plants will bear their fruit once at relatively the same time. Indeterminate will grow fruits throughout the growing season.

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Indeterminate growth refers to a pattern of growth where an organism continues to grow throughout its life, with no set endpoint. This type of growth is commonly seen in plants and some animals, allowing them to increase in size indefinitely.

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Officially, jet star tomatoes are indeterminate. This means they will continue to produce tomatoes throughout the season until disease or weather kill them.

What does a bush cucumber plant look like?

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Which part of a plant shows determinate growth?

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